Hi, I’m Niki Joseph, founder of eflwriters.

eflwriters provides services to ELT publishers.

As a materials writer working in all areas of ELT, project work can be individual or collaborative.

The Story

Hi I’m Niki Joseph.

Back in 1988 I applied for a job in South America. I went along for the interview and got the job. January 1989 saw me doing the CTEFLA at IH London and then I got on a plane to Brazil for my first year teaching. I loved it!

Back in the UK a year later, I got a job in London, and then went to Italy for a couple of years. Portugal was next and currently I’m in Australia.

I feel I’ve been really lucky (or in the right place at the right time!) and through work have travelled widely as a writer, teacher and trainer .

I started writing in 2004 in Portugal, and since then have contributed to many publications. When I’m at the computer (or jotting down ideas in my notebook) I draw on all that extensive experience gained from teaching and training in classrooms over the world.

I’ve taught pre-school, primary, teens and adults at all levels (both general and exam-focused). I’ve taught EAP and job seeking skils to university students

I’ve worked with the University of Cambridge as a consultant for nearly 25 years.

I also teach regularly to stay in touch with the classroom, students and teachers, and to ensure my experience is up-to-date.

But also because I do love being in the classroom and I love writing - in approximately equal measure!

I also really love going to conferences and I enjoy presenting!

I’ve involved with IATEFL for many years and currently I’m on the Materials Writing Special Interest Group. I’m also a proud member of YLTSIG and was on the committee and was joint Coordinator.

I’m passionate about CPD and I”ve set up Sharing Best Practice - an event which runs quarterly in the hinterland of Byron Bay and which is aimed at teachers of all languages.

And when I’m not working, you’ll probably find me outdoors either riding horses, playing with my dog or just watching my chickens!

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